A disaster is an unpredictable, unfamiliar, and catastrophic impact caused by a natural or technological accident, as well as a armed conflict. A disaster occurrence causes an abrupt shock to the intellectual, social, cultural, political, and economic environments. Examples of disasters include cyberattacks, natural disasters such as tsunamis and floods, building failures, devices failures, and many others.
Disaster recovery is a set of policies and procedures focused on protecting an individual, groups of individuals, or organizations from the significant effects of natural, technological, or armed conflicts disastrous occurrences. Disaster recovery is a vital part in ensuring personal or business continuity.
There are three types of disaster recovery measures which include; preventive measures, corrective measures, and detective measures. Preventive measures aim at barring a disaster from occurring; corrective measures aim at mitigating a disastrous occurrence in case it comes to pass; while detective measures target discovering of catastrophic events.
The perception of decision makers responsible for handling various disaster recovery processes are highly dependent on the manner in which the three types of disaster recovery measures are visualized.
Over the recent years, the three disaster recovery measures have either been presented manually in paperwork form, or digitally in written form on databases as well as 2D Visualizations. These two types of presentation methods, however good, increases the cognition efforts needed to interpret various disaster situations. This evidently lowers the efficiency required in the decision making processes for various disaster recovery implementations.
3D visualization solutions add some aspect of reality to the manner in which various sets disaster recovery measures are presented. 3D visualization solutions by Spatial comes up with 3-Dimensional representations of various disaster recovery measures, which enables decision makers to interact with real world entities while performing the different mandates they have been tasked with.
There are lots of analytical powers that lie in 3D visualized disaster recovery measures. All the visual capabilities of decision makers are synchronized together in such a manner that reduces the cognition efforts needed in interpreting disaster recovery situations. This in-turn reduces time of action and cost need in implementing disaster recovery protocols.
There is so much data to be handled during the different levels of a recovery process. Examples of datasets encountered during disaster recovery processes include; what are the affected areas? What are the other various places in danger of being hit by the just experienced calamity affecting given areas? Where should the makeshift disaster management centre be established within the shortest time possible? Where should those people and valuable property in danger be relocated?
If such data is to be presented in paper form or 2-Dimensional form which is currently the case in most institutions, it would take longer for the recovery team to connect the dots of the manner in which different tasks are to be executed.
Providing both short-term and long-term recovery phases in 3D Visualization Solutions is the best technology at returning the affected communities, individuals, or organizations back to their nearly-original or original state as quickly as possible.
For example, during the initial disaster recovery phase, real time disaster information is required to be collected from different information gathering systems and immediate recovery goals set. A 3D Geospatial Information System integrated with various sensors is a good example an interface that can really fasten how business is business is conducted during this phase.
Different Organizations need to improve their disaster recovery programs to ensure easy and fast continuity after unforseen calamities. Upgrading their protocols from text-prints and 2D visualizations to 3D Visualizations is the most result yielding step as it adds an aspect of reality to the disaster recovery measures. This will smoothen their decision-making processes and implementation of various recovery measures.
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